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Assalamualaikum and hi everybody! For today posting, I would like to share what I have been summarize for all the five activities that we did throughout this project. First, I want you to know we have several locations which are (Toy Libraries, Damansara Damai), (Lin Lin Kindergarten, SS3 Petaling Jaya) and (Jaya One Mall). Mostly we spent more hours at Toy Libraries because our main point is to socialize and engaged with the children there. 

On 30th of March 2019, we went to Toy Libraries Damansara Damai to run our first meet up with the children. There, we met Aunty Jameyah and Puan Katy to discuss on our proposal. We had an opportunity to engage with the children and we did an ice breaking session to know further about each other. After that, we did an activity for the children to brainstorm their ideas on what they want to do for carnival day. In the evening, we did a clearing the Toy Libraries together with the children to make the place look clean and tidy. Before we heading back to campus, we distributed forms to the community to attract the children to register as a member of Toy Libraries. 

On 31st of March 2019, we went to Lin Lin Kindergraten, SS3 Petaling Jaya. We met Mr Tan and Mr Hor who are great in inventors. We listened to their brief talk for about half an hour. Then, we were asked to help them cleaning the kindergarten. 

On 11th of April 2019, we came to Toy Library Damansara Damai to make a preparation for carnival day. We did a checklist on stuffs that are required. We, together with the children distributed flyers to the community to attract them to come and join the carnival day. 

On 13th of April 2019, it was a carnival day. we did an aerobic with the children before begin the activities. After that, we taught them how to make fruit salad and egg sandwich. In the afternoon, we taught them how to make origami from coloured papers and butterfly from rattan. For evening session, we went to Jaya One to run our side activity. We helped the Association of Toy Library who joined the Earth Weekend event to collect toys. We helped them with the toy collection booth. Besides collecting toys that were donated, we also interacted with other NGOS and get to know their visions and what they stand for such as the 'Tak Nak Plastik'.

On 14th of April 2019, we met Mr Hor at Lin Lin Kindergarten as he promised to taught us some knowledge on invent something good. Then, we made some toys using the wires. Our instructor, Dr Majid came to Tadika Lin Lin to know our progression of work.

Here are some pictures that I want to share with you guys;

30th of April 2019

We did an ice breaking session with the children to know further about them

Group 1 had a discussion on community activity  

Group 2 had a discussion on fundraising

Group 3 had a discussion on kids activity

                            Cleaning and clearing session at the outside of Toy Libraries

Hawa (one of children at Idaman Apartment) and Rai distributed registration forms to the community

1st activity done !

31st March 2019

Mr Hor shared some tips on how to be good inventors

Mr Tan trained us to play memory brain games

The girls helped to arrange books and toys on the shelf

Ashraf and Syahmi cleaned the inside of Lin Lin Kindergarten

Halim, Zulkifli and Abdullah cleaned the outside of Lin Lin Kindergarten

2nd activity done!

11th of April 2019

We came to Idaman Apartment to make a preparation for carnival day

13th of April 2019

We did an aerobic wtih the children before begin with the activities

Rai and Azrin taught them to make egg sandwich

Amir and Halim guided the children to make origami from coloured papers

They made the origamis successfully

We taught them to make butterfly from rattan

Syahmi and Zulkifli collected toys from the donators

4th activity done!

14th of April 2019

We tried to make toys using the wires

Collection of toys made from wires

Our instructor, Dr Majid came to Lin Lin Kindergarten to know our progression project

5th activity done!

Written by:
Izyan Hanis binti Mohamad Zawawi     (KIA160107)


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