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Assalamualaikum and greeting everyone, my name is Muhammad Nursyahmi Bin Lotfi Nor, Matrics number KIA160053 and this is my Final Reflection.

Many things I have learned while doing the social engagement with my team. One of it is cooperation with the community is important. In the first day at Apartment Idaman, we have discussion with the kids and representative of toy library on what is the suitable activities and time to do it. Other than that, teamwork between team members is a key to make this program a success. This can be seen where on the second day in Apartment Idaman, we have 3 activities which is the ‘senamrobik’, cooking session, art and craft session where each activity is in charge by different member of the group.Then, planning the workflow help to do it smoothly. In preparation of doing the activity on second day at Apartment Idaman, we plan the flow of programs and detail of it such as what is the material that we need to prepare and how to do it. Afterwards, small change can give a big impact. This can be see from the smile of the kid when they happy and enjoy the things that we did on the second day. Moreover, always be grateful. I grateful where I’ve been in a team that they always give a full commitment and cooperation in making this social engagement a successful program.

In my point of view, the things that I’ve learn while doing this is can be implement in working life afterward. In working life, the academic is just a part of the evaluation where the most part of that matter is the soft skill or an attitude of a person. The soft skill such as willing to learn, be responsible is very crucial as it’s the thing will effect the performance of the company and it’s working environment.

All the thing that I’ve learned I will try to implement it in life. For example, in group assignment I will give cooperation with other team members to strive the best. Learning is a process and I believe that by applying the skill gradually, it will become an attitude of a person where he/she will bring it everywhere he/she go.

The two areas is: 

(i) Personal and Professional Development

What did you learn about who you are (your strengths, weaknesses, assumptions, skills, convictions, etc.) and who you want to become, personally or professionally?

A few things that I notice regarding myself. I think my strength is trying to help as much as possible to the community in very short period as few hours it’s not very a long time to make a very impactful thing in the community. Thus, we must ensure that every moment counts. Furthermore, I believe my strength in solving problem skills where there is situation the extension plug is not functioning, an alternative way we take where we use the extension from toy library and change the location for ‘senamrobik’ to be as close as possible to speaker.  

There are many weaknesses noticeable that can be seen in me where one of it is sometime, I delay the work that was assign to me, this effect the others work as the work are related. Other than that, I’m not punctual. I believe punctual is one professional attitude where it needs to implement to all as the effect of it may become a big deal.

The skills that I have that are very useful in realizing this program is the technical and multimedia skill. I believe it’s the effect of me joining all those others previous project in the college and department as technical and multimedia bureau help me enhance this skill.

What I wish to become is to be a person that can give a impactful contribution to the society with high leadership skills and motivate other people to become the best version of himself. One of the quote that relatable is ‘don’t ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy.

(ii) Social Impact

What did you learn about the broader impacts of your work and how you and others can affect change locally and/or globally? What did you learn about the community, the needs, and/or the quality of the service provided?

The impact of the work from this volunteerism is to show the kids the importance of embrace themselves from young age. We can see that due to the financially problem, the kids are not being exposed to something that very beneficial to them such as puzzle game, mathematics card and others. By having toy library, there are giving chance to play with these kind of brain games and in the same time entertain themselves with good things. It also help the kids not spend their free time on something that are bad for them.

The community is a very harmony community where they accept us. In my opinion, I think the need of the community is the emphasize of the importance of education at young age. This is because the effect is not directly can be seen, thus it was hard to emphasize the importance of education at young age. I believe the quality of the service provided is good but lot of improvement can be made to ensure the service can be deliver better.

To sum up, many things that I've learned while doing this program and it's very applicable in life. The impact of volunteerism is very big even though very small number of participant. I hope that there will be a continues volunteer that will help the toy library association and the social engagement course will remain compulsory for every University Malaya student.


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