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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! In my posting today I would like to share about my final thoughts on this project. Based on the overall project, I have learned a lot of things especially in improving my personal and professional development. I learned to be more confident while communicating and dealing with such big organization. The more confident you are, the more you trust yourself. This also helps me to develop a higher self-esteem. To be confident, I need to have a positive thinking. I need to cut all the negativity around me. By talking to the parents of the kids also help me to improve my confidence level.

During this project, I improved my discipline by being punctual whether for submission or other stuff. Discipline can be improved by setting a clear goal that need to achieve at the end of the project. I am able to concentrate on completing work.  I learned that all the weakness that I have can be improved for example I am not a patient person especially when it comes to kids. But after tolerating and handling the kids, I found that I actually can entertain and play with them. Working on our weaknesses is important as it contributes to personal growth. When we have something that we are not good at, improving it even slightly can make a huge change in our overall performance.

Besides, teamwork skill is very important in order to complete this project. I am so grateful that all my group members gave their hundred percent commitments during this project. Teamwork skill also helps my group to solve certain problems regarding to this project and came out with brilliant ideas. As I grow older, I want to be more independent and determined. These would help me to be more successful in my career during my working phase. All the skills that I have improved could help me in the future. I can apply in my real life and help others to improve their skills.

Regarding to the social impact, throughout this project I learned to communicate with the kids and able to make them interact among themselves more often. The communication between the kids may help them develop good friendships and prevent from depression.  I noticed that it was not easy to deal and cooperate with the kids since they have their own wish. So, as sisters we have to learn how to communicate with them in a correct way.

A great observation was needed in order to approach the kids and the residential community as they did not know us. By looking the kids talking to them, I applied the same way and skills to talk to them. Communication skill is very important nowadays. This skill can be used during the university life and also during the working phase. We need to have a good communication skill in order to transfer the information to others and avoid any misunderstanding.

From the activities that we conducted, I learned to think in a more creative way. The activities that we conducted need to consider the kids’ interest so that they would enjoy participating. To have a creative thinking is important because as engineers we have to solve a lot of problems in the engineering field. Creative solutions may give a lot of benefit to the engineers and also company. To create more alternative solutions, creative and innovative ideas are needed. 

By giving this service to the community, the kids may have better information about the Toy Libraries. They may made new friends. My group also helps the kids in brainstorming the ideas to increase the funds and also help them to carry out activities with other kids in the residential area. From this project, I observed that kids need enough affection and attention from their family especially from the parents even though they are busy with work. By spending time with the kids doing some activities together may bring colours to their life.

I am so grateful to be given this opportunity to serve the community during my university life. I am able to contribute my abilities and skills to the kids at Toy Libraries. Furthermore, all my group members gave their full commitment and cooperation throughout this project. The organization management also gave their best in helping us in order to complete the task given by the university.

I am so thankful that we chose to work and deal with the kids because it somehow made us closer to the young generation and understand their needs. If I am given a chance to serve the community again, I would be very thankful to be a part of it. This is because from this kind of activity I would gain a lot of knowledge and also improve all my skills. I can obtain new experiences working with different management or organization. Hence, at the end of the day I can give all the benefits to the society. So, I think that is all from me, thank you for reading my post!


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