Assalamualaikum and greeting everyone, my name is Muhammad Nursyahmi Bin Lotfi Nor, Matrics number KIA160053 and this is my Final Reflection. Many things I have learned while doing the social engagement with my team. One of it is cooperation with the community is important. In the first day at Apartment Idaman, we have discussion with the kids and representative of toy library on what is the suitable activities and time to do it. Other than that, teamwork between team members is a key to make this program a success. This can be seen where on the second day in Apartment Idaman, we have 3 activities which is the ‘senamrobik’, cooking session, art and craft session where each activity is in charge by different member of the group.Then, planning the workflow help to do it smoothly. In preparation of doing the activity on second day at Apartment Idaman, we plan the flow of programs and detail of it such as what is the material that we need to prepare and how to do it. Afterwar...
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