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Elaborate briefly about your program, how many times the project has been conducted, organizers (full name and other collaborators involved)

Play is an essential part of developing children and helping them grow their creativity. Children are able to develop a lot of key skills through paying. However, a child can get bored very first from a certain toy and will want a new toy after some time, but some families are unable to provide that as it can be very expensive for them. Toy libraries give families access to a rich, variety of toys with minimum expense, and provide a safe interactive space for the children to play and learn. Hence, that is the reason why we choose this project over other projects as we believe that childhood stage is very important for all children to develop throughout their lives and succeed in their future because what they go through in their childhood will help them build a strong foundation that will help them through the rest of their lives.

Identify the program location for this social engagement, Explain the about the community and their unique characteristics)

Community Toy Library (CTL) is at apartment Idaman, Damansara Damai which is a low-cost housing community. In this area playing is still considered non-productive. In other words, the children don’t have proper toys and playing time. Therefore, through the toy library there and over the months, the community (including the children) started taking charge of their own CTL to make it a hub for mothers (and fathers) and babysitters to enjoy play with their children a safe space and oasis to chill out and relax.

Give a brief explanation about the involvement of all the parties in the program, including the organizer, participants, and others (if there is any). Give a simplified statistic: For example, number of the participants who attended the program, amount of fund raised, or any other related matters to the objective of this program)

During our project we met and discussed with few people from the organizers including the president of Toy Libraries Malaysia, Datin PH Wong.  Most of our time with the organizers was to discuss about the job scope of our project and the objectives and all the other details of the project. Their main task during the project was to evaluate our actions and give continuous feedback on our progress. Then for the participants, we had over 20 participants from the kids who lives in Apartment Idaman. During our interactions with the children, we taught them some skills like making butterfly key-chains, making sandwiches and other art activities.  The objectives of the project were fulfilled as we interacted with the children, listened to their needs, planned together how it can be achieved, and finally we applied some of them during the carnival.

Obtain at least 3 individuals (name) that represents each of the party below:

Representative of:
Datin PH Wong

President of Toy Libraries Malaysia (TLM)
In-charge of children admissions to the Toy library at Apartment Idaman
Other:(Social Engagement group)
Vice-treasurer of the Civangers (The group for social engagement).

Expectations of current project and future projects

Expectations of Toy Libraries in 2019:

1) More toy libraries small and big set up in communities where children have little or no access to toys, play and safe spaces! Possibly in Sabah as alternative learning centres and childcare support for stay-at-home mums and home-based babysitters

2) A Toy Library and Play Conference tentatively in June in conjunction with World Play Day 2019.

3) Expanding their #ToyAid4Kids Campaign to collect preloved toys. 

4) More Play Talks and Play Workshops to parents and early years centres.

While for their future project, they hope that Toy Libraries will become an alternative community learning centre that will enable play and quality early childhood care and education to be delivered to children. With Seeds Malaysia, the children have embarked on an effort to turn their space greener too!

Mugshot picture: Give 10-20 picture in JPG/IPEG format Interesting picture photograph that pictures the project situation. The photos must be emailed to me individually or through Google Drive)

Mugshot picture: Give a mugshot photo of the individuals who are listed at No.5



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