Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! Today I would
like to tell you about the sweet experience when I handling the project at Toy
Library (Damai Apartment, Damansara Damai). We call ourselves as Civengers and our group of 10 members. We have chosen the Toy Library as the location of our social engagement project. The Toy Library encourages children in the Apartment area to play games and toys. According to Toy Library Chairman Datin PH Wong, he created the Toy Library to help children in the area that is categorized as a low-income group who have no chance to play because their playground does not have good facilities. Nevertheless, the Toy Libraries faces challenges such as the lack of volunteers to take care of the Toy Library.
Thus, we as Civangers came to assist this organization. Among the activities we have done in the Apartment area is that we promote the Toy Library and invites parents to become a volunteer to take care of the Toy Library. We spread the flyer from house to house. We also do share our ideas and teach children who are in the range of 11-16 years to handle their own activities to attract other children to come to the Toy Library.
On 31/3/2019, our team joined together with the member of Toy Library are doing cleaning activity in the Toy Library area. On 13/4/2019, we held a Toy Library Carnival day to attract children around the area. There are about 15-20 children present on that day. During the Carnival day, We have conducted four activities: aerobics exercise, cooking teaching session, creative arts, cleaning activity.
Our activities are not only at the toy library. We also have activities at Ling Ling kinder garden. There two activities that we are doing there which is "gotong-royong" and building toys. The condition of the Ling Ling kinder garden is really dirty. Toy Library buy this kinder garden to make a new branch of Toy Library. Thus, we help them to clean up the Kinder garden. We also built toys and arts craft to decorate the Kinder garden.
In my point of view, the activities that we have conducted is to train the children to practice a healthy lifestyle. It can be expressed in aerobics exercises and cooking activities. We teach them to cook healthy dishes like a sandwich. Throughout the activity, I have got a lot of experience in conducting a project. I also realise that there are the people that need our help to get a proper life and they deserve it regardless of a shortage of money. So with this, the civangers are ready to assemble and help the people.
Thank You !!!
Written by:
Amir Zulfitri Bin Dziyaularzak (KIA160103)
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