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Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!!! Greetings to readers!!! My name is Abdullah Zahari and i want to share my final reflection on what we did throughout the project. First of all, i want to begin by quoting a phrase from a famous personality which is Walt Disney. Walt Disney once said “happiness is a state of mind. It’s according to the way you look at things". Yes!!!, Everyone has their own happiness. Someone might found that their happiness is having a big house, someone might say their happiness is being close by their loved ones. Every single person is different. So do I.

Thus, I want to share my little happiness that i found during our project. Our project is a community service where we help an organization to provide toys and give access to the kids. The name of this organization is Toy's Libraries Malaysia. Toy’s Libraries Malaysia is an organization that helps the children by providing them toys to play with. The centre of this foundation is Datin PH Wong and her colleagues that put a lot of effort to make it becomes reality. Thus, we, The Civengers comes to help them to promote the Toy’s Libraries to parents and children. Our team helped the kids to meet with  the parents to promote them to register their kids at toy’s libraries house. After that, together with the kids, we organized a carnival day where we want to attract more kids to come to toy’s library house and make it more merrier. We played a lot of activities such as cooking, make origamis and make rattan butterflies.

After spending almost half of the day playing with the kids. We went to the Lin Lin Kindergarten to meet one of Datin friends which are Mr Hor and Mr Tan. Mr Hor is an inventor and Mr Tan is good at playing and creating brain games. But before that, we helped them to organize the kindergarten and cleaning the kindergarten’s compound. After that we have a session with Mr Hor where he tells us about his experience about inventions. He always says about how to look at unused material from another perspective and make something new from it. Mr Hor also good in arts where he makes tree and bird sculptures from newspaper and proxy. He also taught us how to make toys form wire. Next, we went to Jaya One Mall to help Datin to collect toys from toys donation booth.

In the nutshell, can you guess what is the happiness from the story above??? Yes, you are right!!! The happiness that i found was helping people and creating a smile from their faces. I wish that i can see again their happy faces and gives light to their days just like a sunrise because every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone's day. That is all from me!!! Thanks for your time. Kudos to everyone!!!

Written by:
Abdullah bin Zahari (KIA160002)


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